Entitled Attitudes Linked to Sexism

Gender Schema

Gender Schema

In a study out of Case Western Reserve University, people with an entitled attitude (meaning they thought they were deserving of special treatment) also tended to have sexist attitudes: men thought women should serve them because women were viewed as weak and inferior, and women thought men should protect them because they felt they were in need of special care.

The researchers found that, for men, entitlement was associated with hostile views of women. Entitled men were more likely to endorse views of women as manipulative, deceptive, and untrustworthy — attitudes, which past research has shown are predictors of violence toward women.

Conversely, the researchers found women who have a high sense of entitlement are likely to demand men take care of them because they are weak and frail. A large body of research shows that such demands lead to women being viewed as too weak and placed in roles where they are not allowed to advance in education and jobs.

They focused on two forms of sexism (hostile, and benevolent) and how feelings of entitlement might predict those roles differently for men and women.
In general, entitled men were more prone to exhibiting hostile sexism, indicating that they viewed women as manipulative and demanding. In contrast, entitled women exhibited benevolent sexism, indicating that they think women deserve special care and treatment. “When you consider that entitlement has been shown to be rising across recent generations, linking it to sexist attitudes is particularly alarming,” Grubbs said, “recent events certainly highlight how dangerous entitlement and hostile sexism can be in men. Furthermore, given that benevolent sexism can also produce gender inequality, these findings for women are also concerning.”

One of the Red Pill complaints is that feminists have demanded special treatment: equality of outcome in employment, compensation, and other areas where women had been discriminated against, while also demanding continuing recognition of their vulnerability to rape, different physical standards for jobs in the military, firefighting, etc., and continuing favoritism in custody and support battles in divorce. “Heads I win, tails you lose” is not a good strategy for winning recognition. Treating every man and woman as equal under the law, while allowing societal outcomes to vary to satisfy individual preferences — which may well be statistically different by gender/sex — eliminates many of these controversies and injustices.

It should not surprise anyone that even “progressive” men and women who think they are equality-minded would have some unconscious attitudes about equal treatment that still surface in politics and personal affairs.


  1. I find it very sexist that the only sexism they talk or care about is sexism towards women. You’ll find that entitled women who think they deserve respect and benefit because of their gender, have ALSO hostile views of men (man up, cheaters, untrustworthy, etc), but they still call it “benevolent” sexism.

    All of these researchers need to press the reset button.

    1. In the full article at the link, they do call for further research into women’s hostile views of men (misandry) connected to feeling entitled to special treatment. So they’re not unaware of the possibility. Of course the researchers are also affected by prevailing attitudes and prejudices, so the study report is skewed a bit.

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